The enemy cinematographic construction in the nazi Germany




Propaganda, Cinema, Jew, Dispositive, Psychopolitcs, Nazism


Much has been said about World War II, about the dangers of the totalitarian system, about Hitler´s figure and about the atrocities that millions of people lived in the different concentration camps. But there are not too many authors who consider the influence of the Nazi cinematographic propaganda on the masses. According to that premise, in this article, I pretend to show how the cinematographic propaganda, understood as a device psychopolitics, build up the image of the “Jewish enemy” by encouraging certain emotions such as rage and disgust.

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Author Biography

Ivonne Natacha Pinzón Olarte, National Pedagogic University


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How to Cite

Pinzón Olarte, I. N. (2017). The enemy cinematographic construction in the nazi Germany. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 9(2), 139–156.



Artículo de reflexión derivado de investigación