Humanist Psychology in Conventional Models: Dialogues and Differences with Positive Psychology




psychology, psychological schools, psychological research, positive psychology, humanist psychology


Positive psychology is usually presented as a new paradigm within psychology, it's positioning and growth is evident in terms of academic publications; however, positive psychology shares frameworks of interest that link it with previous developments associated with humanistic psychology. This article seeks to question the discourses of positive psychology as a new paradigm while at the same time attempting to explain the dialogues and differences that it shares with humanistic psychology. At a methodological level, under a hermeneutical logic, a documentary search strategy was carried out around these proximity and distances exposed in the scientific literature around these branches of the discipline. The article highlights how both currents share an interest in the salutogenic with different epistemological and methodological visions in their origins, but with possibilities of dialogue in their current evolution. Although different distinctions are established and presented between both approaches, it is concluded that the current moment of psychology calls for establishing fruitful discussions that give place to a broader epistemological framework in terms theory and methodology, thus harboring some concerns and points of interest that both models share.

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Author Biography

Cristian Correa Ramírez, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Master in Family and Couple Therapy, Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Pontifical Bolivarian University (UPB). Medellín, Colombia.


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2021-12-02 — Updated on 2021-12-02

How to Cite

Correa Ramírez, C. (2021). Humanist Psychology in Conventional Models: Dialogues and Differences with Positive Psychology. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 13(1), 1–25.



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