Deafblind Sexual Counseling by Means of Contingency Control and Mentalizing Techniques: A Case Study


  • Luisa Fernanda Suárez Monsalve University Corporation God's Minute



deafblindness, sensory disabilities, mentalization, psychotherapy, sexuality


This case study describes sexual counseling with a deafblind patient who had shown sexual behaviors not identified by him as dysfunctional, due to his low capacity for judgment and empathy. For treatment, empirical evidence therapies were implemented, and his parents were trained in a contingency control program. For the evaluation, Happé´s Stranges Stories test were used. The results were: extinction of touching behaviors, construction of mental representations associated with sexual education issues, and development of some mentalizing skills. Conclusion: the patient presented difficulties for the development of meta-cognitive skills, not only because of the visual and auditory information absence, preventing the formation of autonomous representations of its surroundings, but also for his null sex education. These aspects can be solved with mentalizing therapy and an adapted sexual education program, which allows to the patient cognitive and sensory access to the program.

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Author Biography

Luisa Fernanda Suárez Monsalve, University Corporation God's Minute


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How to Cite

Suárez Monsalve, L. F. (2021). Deafblind Sexual Counseling by Means of Contingency Control and Mentalizing Techniques: A Case Study. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 12(1), 135–155.



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