Recognition and Emotional Intensity of Facial Expression - Presentation of a Short Version of the Test “Image of facial affection” (pofa).




Emotional recognition, faces, emotions, social cognition


The objective of the present study was to identify and categorize the images with the highest level of correctness in three levels of perceived emotional intensity (high, medium, and low) of the POFA test (Ekman, 1976) in a Colombian population, to be applied in a population with alterations. neurological. 110 images were evaluated in 36 participants, without significant neurological or psychological alterations. The results indicate that joy was the most recognized emotion and fear the one that generated the most confusion. A battery of 42 images was made up, six for each emotion and fourteen for each emotional intensity. This group of items yielded an acceptable reliability coefficient. Negative emotions, such as fear, are much more difficult to recognize than positive ones, likewise emotional intensity contributes more elements for the recognition of positive emotions than negative ones.

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Author Biographies

Ismael Leonardo Mieles Toloza, Research and Development University

Fabian Orlando Rojas Delgado, UAEM

Omar Elias Torrado Duarte, UAEM

Leidy Johanna Plata Osma, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Edward leonel Prada Sarmiento, PontificiaL Bolivarian University


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How to Cite

Mieles Toloza, I. L., Rojas Delgado, F. O., Torrado Duarte, O. E., Plata Osma, L. J., & Prada Sarmiento, E. leonel. (2020). Recognition and Emotional Intensity of Facial Expression - Presentation of a Short Version of the Test “Image of facial affection” (pofa). Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 12(1), 89–110.



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