Personality Disorder: The Dimensional View of the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2)
personality disorder, personality structure, psychodynamic diagnosis, OPD-2Abstract
The categorical view of personality disorders comes from the medical model where mental illness is seen as a discrete condition, with clear limits between health and illness. This perspective was adopted by the different modern classifications such as the DSM-4 and the CIE-10. This categorical view of personality disorders has recently been questioned, in such a way that the ICD-11 classification and section III of the DSM-5 have taken a dimensional perspective, although the latter maintained a system of categories of personality disorders in its official classification. A contribution that came before this paradigm shift is the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2), a diagnostic system developed in Germany in the 1990s, which allows a clinically and therapeutically relevant evaluation of the patient´s dysfunctional relational patterns, major conflicts and personality dysfunctions from a dimensional perspective. It is concluded that opd-2 is a significant contemporary contribution to the understanding and management of so-called personality disorders (dysfunctions).
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