From Emptiness to Re-Creation: Experiences of Infidelity and Recovery
couple, infidelity, experience, recovery, creationAbstract
Objective: to inquire about the experiences of couples who have recovered after an event of infidelity. Method: the approach was qualitative, and the method was biographicalnarrative. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 8 couples and one of the members of another 2, and a discussion group with four therapists. Results: the infidelized people went through the experiences of emptiness, the fallacy of control and the return to itself, to finally arrive back to the relationship. For their part, unfaithful people in their experience travel the path that goes from being ‘caught’: symbolic death after the discovery, to the weight of guilt and parresiastic work, to culminate in the recreation of the ‘self’ and the relationship. Conclusion: the participants, in addition to the pain, got to know themselves and their partners more, and re-created themselves through reflection, to end up welling from a more aesthetic place, their relationship.
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