Stress Perceived in University Students During the Quarantine by COVID-19 in Santander, Colombia


  • Nathalia Alejandra Giral Oliveros Pontifical Bolivarian University
  • Diana Fernanda Gómez Arguello Pontifical Bolivarian University
  • Andrés Julián Úsuga Jeréz Pontifical Bolivarian University
  • Silvia Nathalia Vanegas Méndez Pontifical Bolivarian University
  • Nancy Viviana Lemos Ramírez Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico



stress, university students, covid 19, gender, Colombia


Stress has been one of the reactions with the greatest impact to the social isolation measures caused by covid-19. Thus, the objective of this research was to describe the level of stress perceived in university students during the quarantine decreed by the covid-19 pandemic. For this, we worked under a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope, a non-experimental design and a cross section through the application of the perceived stress scale (eep-10). Likewise, 213 students from Santander, Colombia participated. In relation to the results, the measures of central tendency were capture as well as gender differences were identified, with women being the ones who present higher levels of this reaction. Finally, it is concluded that the presence of stress at high altitudes is correlated with other factors that have serious incidences on the mental health of university students, which urgently requires the design and execution of preventive and interventional programs, together with a gender approach.

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Author Biographies

Nathalia Alejandra Giral Oliveros, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Psychologist, Pontifical Bolivarian University.

Diana Fernanda Gómez Arguello, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Psychologist, Pontifical Bolivarian University.

Andrés Julián Úsuga Jeréz, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Psychologist, Pontifical Bolivarian University.

Silvia Nathalia Vanegas Méndez, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Psychologist, Pontifical Bolivarian University.

Nancy Viviana Lemos Ramírez, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico

Doctor of Philosophy with a specialty in Clinical Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite

Giral Oliveros, N. A., Gómez Arguello, D. F., Úsuga Jeréz, A. J., Vanegas Méndez, S. N., & Lemos Ramírez, N. V. (2022). Stress Perceived in University Students During the Quarantine by COVID-19 in Santander, Colombia. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 14(1), 1–23.



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