Anxiety, depression, and psychosis symptoms in persons attending drug rehabilitation in the Valle de Aburrá
substance related disorders, depression, anxiety, substance abuse treatment centersAbstract
Objective. To calculate the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety, depression and the factors related to these conditions in people undergoing drug addiction rehabilitation in three institutions in the Valle de Aburrá. Method. Cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 120 people. The SRQ-18 questionnaire of the World Health Organization was applied. A descriptive and bivariate analysis was performed, including correlation and association tests. Results. 92.5% were men and 77.5% were unemployed. The most consumed drugs were cocaine with 34.2%, marijuana 20% and bazuco 15% and 85.8% reported polyconsumer. 30% presented symptoms of anxiety and depression. Conclusions. It was found that the older the patient was, the longer they stayed in treatment and that people under 29 had a higher proportion of clinically significant anxiety and depression symptoms.
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