Family coping with the suicide attempt: a systematic review 2005-2020
Suicide attempt, family, family dynamics, Family Coping, family resilienceAbstract
Suicide attempt constitutes a public health issue, and its understanding within the framework of mental health must include a systemic perspective that involves the family. The family’s coping after such an event can either promote the well-being of its members or pave the way for new multi-problem scenarios that exacerbate the crisis. For this reason, the objective of the current research is framed within a systematic review of scientific literature regarding family dynamics and coping following the suicide attempt of one of its members. Method: Using the PRISMA model, a systematic review of publications between 2005 to 2020 on the topic was conducted. This review was based on four databases (EsbscoHost, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Google Scholar). Empirical research was prioritized, while systematic reviews were excluded. Results: Family coping can be understood within the framework of different temporalities that allow for either appropriate or inappropriate adjustment for the survivor and their family group. Key aspects include initial family reactions with a strong emotional component, coping strategies, and changes in family dynamics. It is concluded that mental health support should consider the temporal framework in which coping occurs.
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