Design, implementation, and evaluation of a telepsychology care service at a university center in Colombia
Telepsychology, Teletherapi, covid 19, Mental Health Services, ImplementationAbstract
Objective. This article outlines the process of designing and implementing a telepsychology service in response to the COVID-19 pandemic at a university center in Colombia. Italso evaluates the experiences of consultants in the virtual space. Method. The process involved a cross-sectional evaluative study with qualitative analysis of the pilot project’s implementation. The evaluation was conducted through structured interviews for consultees (N = 248) and students (N = 77) affiliated with the center between August 2020 and May 2021. Two researchers independently coded the responses (Kappa index greater than 80%). Results. It was found that the consultees positively value the therapist’s qualities and the therapeutic process for the telepsychology space to function effectively. Additionally, students emphasized the achievement of good therapeutic relationships through telepsychology. Conclusions. A telepsychology service can be provided in the Colombian context, taking into account the various requirements and the individual needs of each consultee.
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