Editorial policies

1. Open Access Policy

The Revista de Psicología de la Universidad de Antioquia welcomes the Creative Commons initiative and its principles for the free circulation of knowledge. This recognizes that "the Open Access movement arises from the will of scientists and academics from around the world to make the academic production of universities and other research institutions freely available to the public, in an act of social responsibility and taking advantage of the facilities offered by the development of the Internet and the digitization of content. Open Access is a broad source of human knowledge and cultural heritage approved by the academic community that includes, among others, the results of original scientific research". The journal declares that its articles are open access and are governed by the Open Access Policy of the Universiad de Antioquia.
Finally, following university policy, the Journal adheres to the recommendations set out in the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and the Humanities, which promotes the Internet as the functional instrument that serves as a global basis for scientific knowledge and human reflection, and to specify measures to be taken into account by research policy makers, scientific institutions, funding agencies, libraries, archives and museums.
The Journal publishes under a license of Attribution - Non-commercial - Share Equally of international character. This license allows others to distribute, remix, retouch, and create from your work in a non-commercial way, as long as they give you credit and license their new creations under the same conditions.

2. Copyright

The authors retain the moral rights and cede to the University of Antioquia the patrimonial rights to publish it and distribute electronic copies through the different indexing services, national and international databases, repositories and catalogs. The Journal reserves the right to publish articles in all media in order to promote their dissemination and free circulation.
Copyright in Colombia is regulated in Decision 351 of 1993 of the Commission of the Andean Community, in Law 23 of 1982 and in other norms that add, modify or repeal it; in this knowledge, all the authors of the articles, without exception, they must process and sign the agreement of assignment of rights with their respective names, and identification number. [See Letter of Assignment].
Authors are those who:
a. Have made a substantial contribution to the conception and realization of the article or the collection, analysis and construction of the research data from which it derives.
b. Have participated in the construction of the article and its intellectual content
c. Have been involved in the adjustments to the final version and its approval for evaluation for publication.
d. Have the ability to respond fully and accurately to the contents of the article.
e. Sign as authors the final version submitted for evaluation

The main author of the article should be the one who has the greatest contribution and responsibility in its design, conceptualization, development and review. The other persons shall be designated as co-authors. The co-authors must assume the same responsibility for ethical issues of research and publication.
Persons or institutions that made an indirect collaboration or offered financial support to the realization of the publication should be referenced in the acknowledgments.

Letter of assignment of rights:: Download


3. Adoption of Guidelines on Good Practice and Ethics in Academic Research and Publication:

The Journal understands that the contents developed in the articles are the responsibility of the authors.

The Journal assumes the principles of transparency and good practices in the academic publication of the Ethics Committee for Publications -COPE- (2019) and the recommendations of the Policy of Ethics of Research, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity of Minciencias (2018). For articles derived from empirical research it is suggested to follow deontological guidelines specific to each disciplinary field, for the case of psychology the Deontological and Bioethical Handbook of the Psychologist (Colpsic, 2016) and the assumption of the criteria proposed by the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005). Both authors and reviewers and publishers should adhere to these principles.
In general terms, the journal proposes that the authors take precautionary measures to avoid committing serious faults such as: (a) plagiarism, (b) fraud, (c) forgery, (d) data retention, (e) undeclared conflict of interest and (f) the absence of informed consent; as well as other frequent practices such as: (a) the non-inclusion of an author in a publication, (b) the abusive signature of an author, (c) the breach of confidentiality, (d) the non-reservation of experimental data, (e) inadequate student supervision, (f) lack of dissemination and socialization, and (g) inadequate use of CTeI results (Minciencias, 2018).

Both authors and evaluators must declare conflicts of interest and record it in the formats defined for this purpose, as well as adhere to the review policies of the Journal.

Articles derived from research should express explicitly the ethical guidelines adhered to in the studies and the performance of consent (and informed assent in the case of minors or persons with inability to consent) in research involving human beings; also, the authors should point out the research centers or ethics committees that endorsed the ethical considerations integrated into the research. [See other recommendations in the article’s initial quality verification format].

Evaluators should commit to rigorous review according to their areas of expertise and report when they are not considered suitable for review. They also undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the authors' information and contents of the revised articles.

The editors undertake to follow the principles of transparency and ensure a rigorous review exercise and editorial process, respecting the double-blind policy. They will be attentive to communication with authors and strict compliance with ethical and quality standards in research and academic publications.

4. Control of plagiarism

The Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia, committed to the originality of its contents, has the Cross Check service that allows the review of articles accepted for publication in order to detect plagiarism/autoplags; in the event that this is identified, the article will be removed from the copy and returned to its author as unpublished despite the result of peer reviews. Likewise, it will be recorded in the database of the Journal as a lack of ethics by the author/authors and will be reported to Journal Management of the Universidad de Antioquia.

5. Copyright Terms and Conditions:

The University of Antioquia maintains copyright under the modality "Not all rights reserved".