Vol. 25 No. 4 (2012): (December)
Innovación con conocimiento
|Abstract = 119 veces | PDF = 54 veces| | HTML = 167 veces|
Original research articles
Characterization and genetic evaluation of Holstein cattle in Nariño, Colombia
|Abstract = 109 veces | PDF = 43 veces| | HTML = 29 veces| -
Genetic parameters and breeding values for live weight using random regression models in a Bos taurus-Bos indicus multibreed cattle population in Colombia
|Abstract = 94 veces | PDF = 27 veces| | HTML = 21 veces| -
Postweaning growth of performance-tested buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis, Artiodactyla, Bovidae) reared under no-milking versus a dual-purpose system
|Abstract = 111 veces | PDF = 25 veces| | HTML = 21 veces| -
Bacillus strains as feed additives: In vitro evaluation of its potential probiotic properties
|Abstract = 122 veces | PDF = 33 veces| | HTML = 23 veces| -
Forage intake of the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu)
|Abstract = 94 veces | PDF = 27 veces| | HTML = 16 veces| -
Ruminant feces used as inoculum for the in vitro gas production technique
|Abstract = 120 veces | PDF = 32 veces| | HTML = 15 veces| -
Phytoplankton and periphyton in ponds with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae)
|Abstract = 75 veces | PDF = 17 veces| | HTML = 24 veces| -
Identification of Brucella canis Group 2 in colombian kennels
|Abstract = 89 veces | PDF = 31 veces| | HTML = 13 veces| -
Didactic model of the chicken embryo development using modified Dawson’s diaphanization and staining technique
|Abstract = 111 veces | PDF = 34 veces| | HTML = 21 veces|
Literature reviews
Biodiesel industry by-products used for ruminant feed
|Abstract = 96 veces | PDF = 179 veces| | HTML = 20 veces|
Clinical cases
Feline aortic thromboembolism: first case reported in Colombia
|Abstract = 135 veces | PDF = 39 veces| | HTML = 38 veces|
Letters to the editor
Emerging and reemerging diseases in the environment of the Free Trade Agreement
|Abstract = 73 veces | PDF = 28 veces| | HTML = 13 veces|