Vol. 29 No. 1 (2016): January-March
Desarrollo rural: reto para un país en paz
|Abstract = 83 veces | PDF = 37 veces| | HTML = 11 veces|
Literature reviews
Intrinsic factors affecting sheep meat quality: a review
|Abstract = 1256 veces | PDF = 374 veces| | HTML = 50 veces|
Original research articles
Genetic parameters of days open in Charolais cattle of Cuba
|Abstract = 541 veces | PDF = 193 veces| -
Association between genetic evaluation and show-ring judging for dairy and beef cattle
|Abstract = 1031 veces | PDF = 156 veces| | HTML = 26 veces| -
Feeding propolis or essential oils (cashew and castor) to bulls: performance, digestibility, and blood cell counts
|Abstract = 406 veces | PDF = 251 veces| | HTML = 15 veces| -
Nitric oxide and malondialdehyde concentration in grastric contents and blood in an equine model of gastric ulcer induced by phenylbutazone
|Abstract = 303 veces | PDF = 130 veces| | HTML = 12 veces| -
Ivermectin resistence of three Rhipicephalus microplus populations using the larval immersion test
|Abstract = 549 veces | PDF = 132 veces| | HTML = 19 veces| -
Effects of dietary carbohydrate/lipid ratios on growth, body composition, and nutrient utilization of hybrid cat sh (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum x Leiarius marmoratus)
|Abstract = 417 veces | PDF = 94 veces| | HTML = 32 veces|