Power Asymmetries, Resistance and Victims´Rights regarding “Justice and Peace” Trials


  • Gabriel Ignacio Gómez Sánchez Universidad de Antioquia




Transitional justice from below, human rights, Human Rights Networks, resistance


It has been almost a decade since the government of Alvaro Uribe started the peace process with the paramilitary forces, and more than six years since the “justice and peace” trials started. Human rights reports manifest the concern of human rights and victims organizations about the poor outcomes of the trials considering the weak level of protection of victims´ rights. These observations request to assess the sufficiency of judicial mechanisms to protect the rights of truth, justice and reparation in a context of a persisting political conflict. Based on a sociolegal research about the recent Colombian experience on the framing and application of mechanisms of transitional justice, the article attempts to analyze the relations between politics and law regarding the application of “justice and peace” trials. The article addresses two main findings. First, different forms of political asymmetries between demobilized paramilitary members and victims of gross violations of human rights have been reproduced within the “justice and peace” trials, and second, human rights networks have deployed actions of political and legal resistance in order to protect victims´ rights.

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Author Biography

Gabriel Ignacio Gómez Sánchez, Universidad de Antioquia

Associate Professor Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Antioquia. Member of the Law and Society group. PhD in Justice Studies and Social Research from Arizona State University


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How to Cite

Gómez Sánchez, G. I. (2012). Power Asymmetries, Resistance and Victims´Rights regarding “Justice and Peace” Trials. Estudios De Derecho, 69(153), 88–112. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.esde.14142