The violation of women's right to housing in Europe
Right to housing, housing exclusion, gender perspective, housing policyAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyse the violation of the right to housing of women nowadays in Europe through a multidimensional model of analysis of housing exclusion from a gender perspective structured in three dimensions: economic, physical and psychosocial. Results confirm the existence of a gender gap in the fulfilment of the right to housing in Europe. From the economic dimension (unaffordable housing), the statistical evidence about the greater difficulties of women to meet residential costs in Europe is incontestable. From the physical dimension (inadequate housing), the residential conditions of women are also systematically lower. From the psychosocial dimension (insecure housing), the high levels of violence suffered by women in Europe in their domestic sphere means that for many of them their home no longer performs an essential function, that of offering a safe haven. To correct these inequalities, it is necessary to go beyond the political and legal recognition of the right to housing and equality between men and women, and develop effective policies in this field.
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