From Governance Tools to Political Instruments: An Analysis of Strategies to Face Covid-19 in South America.
Policy instruments, governance, covid-19, South-AmericaAbstract
The transformation of government and of the relationship between public administration, economic actors, and citizens has been the hallmark of public policy analysis for at least three decades. The central, guiding, and directive role of government has gradually ushered various modes of network governance in which public authorities become just one of several actors participating in the process of designing and implementing public policy. This article has two objectives. On the one hand, it seeks to make an analytical review of the transformation of governance schemes and the role public policy instruments play in these changes (Howlett, 2005). We refer to those instruments endeavoring to modifying citizen behavior from a multi-actor and less hierarchical logic over traditional government tools - treasury, organization, nodalidad, and authority (Hood, 1986). On the other hand, it aims to analyze how those changes were manifested in the strategies deployed by South American governments in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
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