Foucault and the problem of moral education


  • Alejandro Rendón Valencia University of Antioquia
  • Laurent Jaffro University of Paris 1


Foucault, moral education, power, technique, philosophy of education, autonomy.


Considering that the purpose of education is the acquisition of subject autonomy, this article approaches the problem of the difference between techniques that coerce the subject and those that free it. This issue leaves behind the two main pedagogical positions that respond to this educational requirement, and hence the need for a third position, namely, the one that places the problem on the basis of research on the subject. Such is the case of the difference established by Foucault between subjection techniques and subjectivation techniques. And therefore the need of addressing the philosopher’s exploration of both, as well as the conclusions to which he arrives.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Rendón Valencia, University of Antioquia

Undergraduate student of the Degree in Philosophy, co-researcher of the project "Paradigms and concepts in education and pedagogy", subproject "Open school".

Laurent Jaffro, University of Paris 1

Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Paris 10 (Nanterre), researcher and professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne. He is a member of the research center on Contemporary Philosophies (Paris 1) and associated with the Philosophies and Rationalities research center (Clermont-Ferrand 2). Director of the Master in Philosophy at the University of Paris 1, coordinator of the PNEUMA research project.


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How to Cite

Rendón Valencia, A., & Jaffro, L. (2017). Foucault and the problem of moral education. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 24(63-64), 126–136. Retrieved from


