The Semiotic Speech: A theory to improve reading andacademic text analysis written at the university level


  • María Eugenia Díaz Cotacio University of Nariño



discursive semiotics/semiotic speech, reading, analysis categories, discursive competence


This article response to the need to help solve the shortcomings that university students face when reading and analyzing written academic texts. It parts from the belief that language plays a fundamental role in the development of cognitive processes; and there fore, it is necessary to promote within the students a discursive competence, focused on acquiring elements for the appropriation of knowledge.

The article specifies items or analysis categories of the semiotic speech which can view the practice of reading as a deliberate, gradual and strategic process, oriented towards giving meaning to each text and to assume it in a critical and autonomous manner. In addition, they corroborate that language is a speech in action which put into scene cognitive, axiological and linguistic actors whose purpose is to generate communication events that go beyond the simple transmission of messages.

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Author Biography

María Eugenia Díaz Cotacio, University of Nariño

Professor at the University of Nariño. Degree in Philosophy, University of Valle. Master in Linguistics and Spanish, University of Valle. Member of the GIA Research Group (Argumentation Research Group), coordinated by Dr. Roberto Ramírez of the Faculty of Education of the University of Nariño. Member of the research group LSD (La Semiótica Discursiva), coordinated by Dr. Eduardo Serrano Orejuela.


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Serrano, Eduardo (2005). Narración, argumentación y construcción de identidad. En: Didáctica del discurso, Cali: Cátedra UNESCO._______Planos discursivos del texto verbal. En:

VásquezR. Fernando y otros(2004). La didáctica de la lengua materna. Estado de la discusión en Colombia. Bogotá: ICFES.



How to Cite

Díaz Cotacio, M. E. (2011). The Semiotic Speech: A theory to improve reading andacademic text analysis written at the university level. Uni-Pluriversidad, 11(1), 97–103.

