Ethics and Citizenshipin teacher education: the teacher as a political subject andmoral educator


  • Mercedes Oraisón Northeast National University



teacher education, moral education, education for citizenship


The purpose of the article is to make a critical review of ethical and citizenship formation in graduate education, and in teacher education in particular. Regarding with this issue we focus a double awareness whichreaffirm the necessity and importance of include thisformation’s area as a central component of pedagogicaland teaching orientedproposals: the teacher political subjectivity and his role as moral educator. Finally, we present a set of recommendations and tasks in order to deal with ethical and citizenship education of future teachers.

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Author Biography

Mercedes Oraisón, Northeast National University

PhD in Philosophy and Education Sciences. Centre for Social Studies, Facultad de Humanidades, Faculty of Humanities.  Northeast National University, Argentina. 


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How to Cite

Oraisón, M. (2012). Ethics and Citizenshipin teacher education: the teacher as a political subject andmoral educator. Uni-Pluriversidad, 11(2), 109–125.




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