Land maps and conventional cartography: two ways of contrast though
land, land mapsAbstract
We definedthe landmapsas the projection of graphic symbols of the spatial relationships from the available knowledge in cognitive maps of the milieu of the peasant, against to the sophisticated methods as the soil survey. A conventional map must have scale (for communicating distances), a projection (for communicating directions), and a set of abstract signs (for communicating the semantic meaning o landscape features). Such assumptions inherited from the Classical world included: Euclidean and projective geometrics as the only ways to formally structure space; standardized linear an angular measures as the only metrics by which space could be represented cartographically. Therefore, two visions of geographic milieu are derived and result in two classes of maps. The peasant speaks of lands and croquis both results of his experience, the cartographer speaksof soils and maps just do it by assistance to school. Is true the appearance of two epistemology perspectives.
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