Pedagogical accompaniment: an experience of in-service teacher training in the context of Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE)
Pedagogical accompaniment, ntercultural Bilingual Education (IBE), teacher trainingAbstract
This article comes from the first report on the supervision made to the specialization in Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE). In its rich diversity, culture has na intrinsic value for development as well as for social cohesion and peace. It strongly promotes development, not only in terms of economic growth but also as a means of achieving an intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual enriching life Recognizing diversity is essential to reduce poverty and to achieve the goal of sustainable development; also, it promotes dialogues, respect, and mutual understanding among civilizations and cultures (Unesco, 2002). With this in mind, the Ministry of Education of Peru, committed with the promotion of cultural diversity, has implemented the specialization in Intercultural Bilingual Education (2012-2014) aimed at teachers in initial education levels of Primary and Initial Education in bilingual contexts, in order to encourage analysis and continuous improvement of participants in their teaching practice.
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