Understanding the concept of continuity within the framework of Pirie and Kieren’s theory


  • Rodrigo Antonio Rendón Ramírez University of Antioquia
  • René Alejandro Londoño Cano University of Antioquia




socratic interview, descriptors, function, understanding, limit, infinitesimal


Our objective was to design and implement a semi-structured interview of Socratic nature to describe how the concept of continuity is understood by four students of differential calculus courses in secondary and higher education institutions in the city of Medellín. It was a qualitative type of research including a case study in order to achieve the objective; the Socratic semi-structured interview was strategy to improve the students’ understanding, in accordance with the framework of Pirie and Kieren’s theory, which served as a theoretical support.

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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Antonio Rendón Ramírez, University of Antioquia

Professor at the University of Antioquia. Full-time professor of the Municipality of Medellín.Master in Education from the University of Antioquia. Specialist in Advanced Mathematics at the National University of Colombia, Medellín. Graduate in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Antioquia.

René Alejandro Londoño Cano, University of Antioquia

Master and Doctor in Education, Mathematics Education area of the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Rendón Ramírez, R. A., & Londoño Cano, R. A. (2014). Understanding the concept of continuity within the framework of Pirie and Kieren’s theory. Uni-Pluriversidad, 13(3), 109–118. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.18631




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