To introduce health education themes in initial teacher training: tuberculosis
formación inicial de profesorado, argumentación, modelización, cuestiones sociocientíficasAbstract
This article examines an activity of health education about tuberculosis in university instruction. The research seeks to contribute to the study of scientific practices of argumentation and modelling in initial teacher training. It analyses argumentation in a modelling task about the process of infection of tuberculosis in a group of primary school teachers’ students. The objectives are: 1) to examine the discursive patterns in the construction of the model, 2) to examine students’ comprehension about the scientific notions provided to construct and represent the model. The analysis of the first objective shows that most of the arguments that participants use to explain the process of infection are intuitive, although influenced by the group experience. The examination of the arguments allows identifying students difficulties to explain the model of infectious based on the scientific notions provided. Some students confuse the function of vacuum and antibiotic, and they do not distinguish between virus and bacteria when they explain the model. An educational implication is the need to use socio-scientific contexts in health education that promote the scientific literacy and the development of scientific practices in initial teacher training.
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