Teaching and learning the concept of nature of matter through problem solving


  • John Jairo Henao García Catholic University of Manizales
  • Oscar Eugenio Tamayo Alzate University of Caldas




nature of matter, problem-solving learning, teaching and learning


The purpose of this research project was to characterize the concept of nature of matter and the way it can be learnt by means of a didactic strategy centered on problem solving. Such strategy is purely collective; however, in the end an individual activity allowed to assess its impact on students’ learning. The results are presented from two perspectives: the first one is quantitative in nature, in which we describe the changes observed in the learning process as a result of the students’ ideas about the structure of matter. We finally underline some of the characteristics of the learning achieved by means of this teaching strategy.

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Author Biographies

John Jairo Henao García, Catholic University of Manizales

Graduate in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Caldas. Master in Science Teaching from the Autonomous University of Manizales. Professor at the Catholic University of Manizales.

Oscar Eugenio Tamayo Alzate, University of Caldas

Graduate in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Caldas. Master in Educational and Social Development, International Center of Education ans Human Development (CINDE acronym in Spanish)-  National Pedagogical University (UPN acronym in Spanish). Master in Teaching Sciences and Mathematics, Autonomous University of Barcelona. PhD in Teaching Science and Mathematics, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Postdoctoral in Narrative and Science, Santo Tomas University - University of Cordoba. Professor at the Caldas University and Autonomous University of Manizales.


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How to Cite

Henao García, J. J. ., & Tamayo Alzate, O. E. (2015). Teaching and learning the concept of nature of matter through problem solving. Uni-Pluriversidad, 14(3), 25–45. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.21335

