Abya Yala feminist tissues: Communal Feminism, Decolonial Perspective and Intercultural Education


  • Susana Sacavino Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro




conceptual map, decoloniality, indigenous movements, South epistemologies, decolonization education, patriarchy


The communal feminism was born in the beginning of the 21th century. It’s a social movement that is present in several countries of the American continent. It has its origins in the fights of resistance of the indigenous women against the colonial patriarchal capitalist system before the systematical practices of violation of their rights, the rights of their communities and peoples, as the violation of the nature rights and the savage exploitation of the natural resources. It’s a movement with a strong political angle.

The article begins introducing the origins of the communal feminism. In the second part, considered as the main part of the text, it carries out a reading of the principal focus and characteristics of the communal feminism from a decolonial perspective. It also points out some of the communal feminism contributions to the intercultural education, having as reference the conceptual map of its expression, constructed by the Group of Studies about Daily, Education and Culture/s (GECEC) of the Department of Education of Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Rio de Janeiro. Finally, as a third moment, we ‘weave’ some final considerations, leaving the tissue opened, because the movement, as the lives of the women which are part of the movement and their peoples and territories, are built in the fights, in the confrontations, and in the daily resistances defending a decent life and with the recognition of everyone rights.

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Author Biography

Susana Sacavino, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Education from the Department of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Director of the Revista Latinoamericana Novamerica - Nuevamerica and the non-governmental organization Novamerica. Coordinator of the virtual observatory: Human Rights Education in Focus. Researcher associated with the Study Group on Daily Life, Education and Culture of the Department of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). She advises on socio-educational projects in the country and in Latin America. Main areas of action: human rights education, education and citizenship, human rights and interculturality, training of educators, prevention of school violence and bullying.


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How to Cite

Sacavino, S. (2017). Abya Yala feminist tissues: Communal Feminism, Decolonial Perspective and Intercultural Education. Uni-Pluriversidad, 16(2), 97–109. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.328317

