Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogotá: A pedagogical proposal?Seeing to learn, learning to renew


  • Julia Villarreal University of Antioquia
  • Jhoan Villalba
  • Jorge Iván Suárez University of the Atlantic




theatre, research, festival, training, pedagogy


This article is a critical analysis of the educational function of Festival de Teatro Iberoamericano de Bogotá in relation to its audience, resulting from the direct observation of its fifteenth version by the TEI group of young researchers.

The objective is to encourage the use of the FITB academic agenda, as a reference framework to fill the curricular gaps in theater schools, contributing to the understanding and creation of theatrical productions, by benefiting from the alternatives offered by the FITB school as extracurricular educational resources  that  favor  the  quality  of  academic  mis-en-scenes, while generating ethical professional principles and solving the educational concerns of artists and spectators alike.

The goal is to prompt discussion, seeking not only support for such academic initiatives, but also the efforts in educating audiences to ensure the dissemination and qualification of processes.


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Author Biographies

Julia Villarreal, University of Antioquia

Teacher in Dramatic Art at the Universidad del Atlántico, Young researcher, Research Group Teatro Espacio & Interactividad (TEI). Actress in Proscenio Teatro, Training Coordinator of the EMERGENTE Corporation.

Jhoan Villalba

Artista dramático, tallerista y gestor cultural. Director General y fundador de la Corporación EMERGENTE E.C. Ha sido formador en diversos procesos pedagógicos de las artes escénicas para actores y no actores, así como docente de oratoria y teatro en la Universidad Sergio Arboleda de Barranquilla y la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede La Paz. Coordinador de procesos de formación, investigación y creación artística; codirector del Diplomado en Emprendimiento Artístico y Cultural – LABorArte; actor en diversos proyectos teatrales y cinematográficos; y director de proyectos de formación y creación teatral en convenio con el Ministerio de Cultura.

Jorge Iván Suárez, University of the Atlantic

Director Research Group Theatre, Space & Interactivity (TEI), University of the Atlantic. Dramatic Arts Program. PhD in Fine Arts and International Master in Scenography from the Complutense University of Madrid. Graduate in Scenic Direction and Dramaturgy from the Royal School of Dramatic Art of Madrid, specialising in Stage Direction. He was trained in performing technique at the William Layton Laboratory and the Teatro de la Danza in Madrid, worked as a technician, actor and dancer taking theater-dance classes with the same company. Master in Design, area in which he has worked in different Spanish agencies as a freelance.


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Webgrafía del Semillero TEI

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How to Cite

Villarreal, J., Villalba, J., & Suárez, J. I. . (2017). Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogotá: A pedagogical proposal?Seeing to learn, learning to renew. Uni-Pluriversidad, 16(2), 117–125. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.328319

