Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogotá: A pedagogical proposal?Seeing to learn, learning to renew
theatre, research, festival, training, pedagogyAbstract
This article is a critical analysis of the educational function of Festival de Teatro Iberoamericano de Bogotá in relation to its audience, resulting from the direct observation of its fifteenth version by the TEI group of young researchers.
The objective is to encourage the use of the FITB academic agenda, as a reference framework to fill the curricular gaps in theater schools, contributing to the understanding and creation of theatrical productions, by benefiting from the alternatives offered by the FITB school as extracurricular educational resources that favor the quality of academic mis-en-scenes, while generating ethical professional principles and solving the educational concerns of artists and spectators alike.
The goal is to prompt discussion, seeking not only support for such academic initiatives, but also the efforts in educating audiences to ensure the dissemination and qualification of processes.
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