Organizations in the knowledge economy: The fundamental role of the knowledge management and transfer in today’s organizations
knowledge management, society, economy, knowledge, organization, human talentAbstract
The study of knowledge management can be explained from a multidimensional approach that articulates the role of other important academic and business concepts such as organizational strategy, absorption capacity and open innovation. Knowledge is a top rated resource of the society and its economy, supposes a third resource of production with other factors classically known, as capital and labor. Knowledge resides inside people, the workers, but not only embedded in technology, methods and processes, but available to business management too. In the same way, both tacit and explicit knowledge, which reside in workers and inside the organization, are components that help make up the strategic development and management of the actual companies, to extract their maximum benefit. Even so, knowledge comes not only from internal sources of the company, but it also has an external origin, and the coordination and cooperation process of these two sources, internal and external, helps with its construction. Nowadays, the identification, acquisition, capitalization, storage, use and transmission of knowledge would be some of the main activities or actions through which companies aim to manage knowledge.
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