Educators for peace




peace, education, justice, solidarity, equity


The present work aims to sow awareness and begin to lay the foundations of an ecumenical movement called Educators for Peace, where each one reconciles with life in a quest for social peace, passing the destiny of being an educator and educating, of teaching and learning with the other and from the gaze of others. In order to think and build a common future, then, it is necessary to allow everyone, without exception, to bring to fruition their talents and creative capacities; Which implies that each one can take responsibility for himself and his own otherness, to realize his personal project which is the project of a better society.

The proposed approach transits in the first stage by a conceptualization of the values inherent to the human condition, and then to mention the fundamental role of formal and non-formal education in social peace processes. The third moment presents the need for a paradigm shift of life and education, to conclude with the incorporation in all areas of Educators for Peace from a new worldview, the Culture of Peace that is the Culture of Life, And thus be part of a fairer, more equitable, more solidary world and a movement that has begun making center in the cosmogonic complexity and social and natural diversity of our sister Colombian Nation, and will not stop until reaching the evangelizing hope in Fundamental human values, love of one›s neighbor and, consequently, the Culture of Peace.

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Author Biography

Susana Rosa Castrogiovanni, University of Buenos Aires

Professor. Committee on the Environment, Voices of the Earth, Phoenix Plan at the faculty of economic sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Institute for Executive Training, Training and Development Consultants, City of Buenos Aires Argentina. Foundation for Social Development (FundaDeS in spanish) 


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UNESCO, Educación para la Convivencia y la Cultura de la Paz en América Latina y El Caribe. Disponible en: marzo 21 de 2017 • Aprobado: julio 3 de 2017



How to Cite

Castrogiovanni, S. R. (2018). Educators for peace. Uni-Pluriversidad, 17(2), 62–71.

