Relation literature and reality: openings towards a didactic of literature oriented to the generation of reading experiences in students


  • Ruth Ángela Ortiz Nieves Universidad de Antioquia



didactics of literature, interdisciplinarity, reading-experience, world of the literary text, world of the reader


This article raises the need to shift the traditional approach that characterizes the teacher in training as a teacher of literature, to the mediator that encourages reading experiences tending to develop a literary training in their students. To this end, several discussion plans are drawn up that are involved in the field of literature didactics taught by university teacher training programs. The reflection highlights the need for the teacher in training to seek to generate reading experiences in their students in which the subjectivity of their socio-cultural and personal world, find in the literary narrative a space that enunciates and covers those aspects of daily life that they constitute their real and possible experiences, a meeting that leads to the development of their literary training. The previous thing supposes, then, to modify the conception of student that the teacher in formation assumes, because it would stop being the one of apprentice of Literature, to be understood like a reader who experiences the encounter of the world of the text with its own world, understanding that, necessarily, modifies the role of the teacher in this process. In this article, then, initially, we reflect on the relationship between literature and reality, so that it is inserted as an element of analysis in the Didactics of Literature programs since it is essential that the teacher in training addresses the implications of this relationship. Subsequently, the way in which literature “takes charge of many knowledge” is presented, in which the interdisciplinary relationships that emerge from the knowledge that the literary text mobilizes and the teacher is called to contribute to his students identify. Finally, the need to approach searches to develop literary reading as experience is addressed, since doing so creates conditions of possibility tending to the development of literary training, in the recognition of a didactic focused on the student and not on the teacher.

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Author Biography

Ruth Ángela Ortiz Nieves, Universidad de Antioquia

Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Universida de Antioquia. Candidate for a PhD in Human and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Master in Spanish American Literature, Instituto Caro y Cuervo; Degree in Philology and Languages, Universidad Nacional. Research group "Somos palabra: formación y contextos" of the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Nieves, R. Ángela. (2018). Relation literature and reality: openings towards a didactic of literature oriented to the generation of reading experiences in students. Uni-Pluriversidad, 18(1), 56–66.

