Actions for the cultivate of a Virtual Community of Practice of Physics teachers: analysis of the processes of Legitimate Peripheral Participation through a virtual course on Open Educational Resources for the teaching of Physics
virtual community of practice, physics pre-service teachers, open educational resourcesAbstract
Literature highlights the existence of a significant gap between educational research and teaching practices. On the other hand, there are studies on Community of Practice (CoP) made up of pre-service teachers and in early career, researchers, and teachers of Basic Education. They show good results to transform the teaching practices of sciences in the School, contributing in turn, in reducing this gap. How to cultivate these Communities of Practice? In this paper the results of an empirical exploratory study are presented. It was carried out during the design and implementation of a virtual extension course on Open Educational Resources (OER) for the teaching of Physics offered by a Brazilian university. The course integrated the seven principles by Wenger and collaborators for the cultivation of CoP, with the aim of generating a set of initial actions for the process of making up a virtual CoP for Physics teachers. In total, 40 students from the last semesters of degree programs in Physics and Mathematics from four higher-level institutions (two Colombian and two Brazilian), two tutors, two tenured professors and three collaborating professors from the invited institutions participated. A mixed analysis of asynchronous communications via chat was carried out to explore processes of Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) and the construction of the learning trajectory of the participants. It concludes that the virtual course fostered continuous interaction between the different participants, contributing to the formation of a network of interests, made up of nine former course participants; who voluntarily joined the development of a new project focused on the use of OER for the teaching of Physics, shaping a potential coordinating team (core) for the community.
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