Development and application of edible coatings in minimally processed fruit




The consumer’s interest to purchase safe, nutritious, minimally processed, and healthy food has increased consumption of various fruits and vegetables. Generally, the quality of fruits depends on nutritional, microbiological and organoleptic properties, all of which are exposed to dynamic changes during harvesting, storage, and marketing. These changes are mainly due to the interactions between the fruits and its surroundings or migration among different inner components, which can result in loss of moisture and some volatile compounds.

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Author Biographies

Ricardo D. ANDRADE PIZARRO, Universidad de Córdoba.

Faculty of Engineering, GIPPAL Research Group, Doctor in Food Science and Technology

Carmen E. PÉREZ CERVERA, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

Faculty of Agroindustrial Engineering, DANM Research Group / Development and Application of New Materials, Doctor in Food Science and Technology

Deivis E. LUJÁN RHENALS, Universidad de Córdoba

Faculty of Engineering, Research Group in Industrial Processes, Doctor in Food Engineering


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How to Cite

ANDRADE PIZARRO, R. D., PÉREZ CERVERA, C. E., & LUJÁN RHENALS, D. E. (2016). Development and application of edible coatings in minimally processed fruit. Vitae, 23(1), 9–10.


