Effect of Lepidium meyenii (maca) on spatial memory and brain oxidative damage of ovariectomized-rats exposed to mobile phone
Ovariectomy, Estrogens, Nutrition, Cognition, Malondialdehyde, Lepidium meyenii (maca), Spatial memory, Brain oxidative damageAbstract
Background: Oxidative stress, genetic expression changes, and decomposition of the blood-brain barrier have been shown to be caused by exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR); therefore, the search for drugs or food products that offer some protection from these effects has attracted interest. Lepidium meyenii (maca) is a native Andean plant known for its effects on the female reproductive system as well as its immunomodulating, energizing, antioxidant, and nutritive properties due to its high concentration of alkaloids, amino acids, glucosinolates, fatty acids, and macamides. Objectives: We aim to determine the effect of dietary maca supplementation on spatial memory and cerebral oxidative damage in rats with induced menopause and/or with exposure to mobile phone radiation. Method: Female rats divided into 6 groups (six rats in each group): control or not ovariectomized (O-), ovariectomized (O+), ovariectomized + estrogen (O+E+), ovariectomized + estrogen + irradiated (O+E+I+), ovariectomized + maca (O+M+), and ovariectomized + maca + irradiated (O+M+I). Rat spatial memory was tested using the Morris water navigation task. Rats were sacrificed, and cerebral malondialdehyde was measured. Results: After exposure to mobile phone radiation, the group supplemented with maca showed improved spatial memory and lower levels of malondialdehyde than the estrogenized group. Conclusions: Our results suggest that consumption of maca has a positive effect on the maintenance of memory and decreases oxidative stress caused by mobile phone radiation. However, it is necessary to extend this work using a larger sample size.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carmen Marìn-Tello, Haydée Villafana-Medina, José Aliaga-Arauco, Violeta Malpartida-Tello, Elio Castañeda-Marín, César Sánchez-Marín, Jorge Vásquez-Kool

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