Political mobilization of sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco: from invisibility to the creation of a political subject


  • Francesco Madrisotti University Paris West Nanterre




migration, collective mobilization, Morocco


Until the 2000 decade, Morocco has been seen as a country of emigration. But since the arrival of a foreign population, heterogeneous in origins, interests, and legal status, the Morocco society has been transformed, and has revealed total absence of migration politics. The immigration issue has been faced by the adoption of a new law looking for insuring the security and repression over the sub-Saharan migrants. They are object of rejection and institutional violence, and they are, indeed, the most stigmatized and marginalized population. This article analyzes the forms of organization of migrants in order to transform themselves into political subjects and claim their presence in the country. First, this article will explain the context of the beginning of collective mobilization of the sub Saharan migrants. The second part will show the materialization of this efforts in the daily life of migrants, and how this collective process is inserted in older mobilizations, that have shaped the morocco political landscape since the 1990s.
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Author Biography

Francesco Madrisotti, University Paris West Nanterre

Chair professor.


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How to Cite

Madrisotti, F. (2016). Political mobilization of sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco: from invisibility to the creation of a political subject. Boletín De Antropología, 31(51), 133–152. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.boan.v31n51a07


