Doing ethnology with the Quirino caboclos: the ethnographic situation as a triad.


  • João Pacheco de Oliveira National Museum of Rio de Janeiro



Brazilian anthropology, Amazonian ethnology, Ethnographic field work, Tikunas, Nimuendaju


Abstract. The article attempts a critical review of the ethnographic journeys of the German ethnologist, Curt Unkel —Nimuendaju, the name the indigenous peoples attached to him—, among the Tikuna of the Brazilian Amazonian jungle. The article examines primary sources that document the objectives of these experiences, framing them in a reflection regarding the ethnographic exercise which should be understood from the complex interactions that comprise it and from which we should transcend the classic duality investigator/investigated. In the case of Nimuendaju, his approximation to the indigenous question was crossed with state and rubber baron interests, values, and perspectives, the latter of whom were convinced that the jungle was not inhabited by “indios” rather “caboclos” that belonged to algún barracón.

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Author Biography

João Pacheco de Oliveira, National Museum of Rio de Janeiro

Professor of the Department of Anthropology Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Pacheco de Oliveira, J. (2010). Doing ethnology with the Quirino caboclos: the ethnographic situation as a triad. Boletín De Antropología, 20(37), 51–80.


