Eating practices related to the search for the body ideal. The case of the city of Medellin (Colombia).


  • José Fernando Uribe Merino University of Antioquia



Nourishing patrimony, Ideal corporal, Nourishing identity, Anorexy


Abstract. This article is part of an investigation regarding the social and cultural factors that affect problems related to the corporal image, especially concerning the increase in cases of anorexia in Medellín (Colombia). This work examines the nutrition patrimony of the city, factors of change and continuity, and the reasons that explain them. The work emphasizes the processes of the identity of nutrition among the youth, especially those related to the perception that they make with regard to alimentation and its impact on the body and its appearance. It emphasizes how, in these processes of identity, values are defined and new meanings are attributed to certain foods, all of which suggests that certain alimentary and nutritional practices are considered positive or negative and are therefore collectively appropriated or rejected.

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Author Biography

José Fernando Uribe Merino, University of Antioquia

Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Universidad de Antioquia
E-mail address:


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How to Cite

Uribe Merino, J. F. (2010). Eating practices related to the search for the body ideal. The case of the city of Medellin (Colombia). Boletín De Antropología, 20(37), 227–250.


