Social theory, anthropology and development: about Arturo Escobar's narratives and graphics.


  • Eduardo Restrepo Universidad Javeriana



Arturo Escobar, Poststructuralism, Contemporary social, Theory anthropology, Development


Abstract. Pulling from a set of published and unpublished materials, this article describes three aspects of the anthropological work of Arturo Escobar: his overview of the landscape of social theory, his representation of the ruptures within U.S. cultural anthropology, and his statements about the three overarching paradigms framing the study of development. This description shows the relevance of poststrucutalism for Escobar.

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Author Biography

Eduardo Restrepo, Universidad Javeriana

Researcher at the Institute of Social and Cultural Studies Pensar, Universidad Javeriana.
Address electró


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How to Cite

Restrepo, E. (2010). Social theory, anthropology and development: about Arturo Escobar’s narratives and graphics. Boletín De Antropología, 20(37), 307–326.



Reflection article