Prevalence and factors associated with the caregiver burden syndrome among the primary caregivers for the elderly
caregivers, aged, risk factors, uncompensated care, stress psychologicalAbstract
The caregiver burden syndrome experienced by caregivers working with older adults is a state of distress that threatens physical and mental health because caring for a relative with some kind of disability or impairment entails a persistent difficulty. Objective: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with the primary caregiver burden syndrome experienced by primary caregivers working with the elderly. Methodology: a cross-sectional, descriptive study with 310 primary caregivers of elderly people aged 65 and older. The caregivers were selected through simple random sampling and interviewed by telephone. We calculated the prevalence, odds ratio and confidence intervals at 95%. The prevalence in the univariate analysis was calculated and the relationship between this and the health and socio-demographic characteristics of the caregiver were evaluated. In a similar manner, the odds ratio was calculated and a binary logistic regression was conducted. Results: the prevalence of the syndrome in the city of Medellin, was 12.17%, 95% CI [8.39 to 15.96]. Additionally, significant differences regarding the number of hours devoted to care were found between the individuals with the syndrome and those without it. Conclusions: the associated factors found in this study were: age and degree of kinship with the elderly individual, number of children, hours devoted to care, health status, abandonment or decrease in activity due to the care, and reasons, needs and assistance received from family. The protective factors identified were: independence and good or poor health status of the elderly individual.
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