An Instrument for Assessing the Adherence of Adults to a Functional Long-term Neurorehabilitation Process, Based on the Dimensions Proposed by the World Health Organization


  • Carlos A. Quiroz M. University Institution National Sports School



rehabilitation, validation studies, evaluation, funcional neurorehabilitation


Objective: to design an assessment instrument for the adherence of adult patients to long-term functional Neurorehabilitation processes, based on the dimensions of the who, and evaluate its internal characteristics and content validity. Methodology: 100 patients diagnosed with neurological injury participated in the internal consistency tests, and a non-probability sampling was carried out on the subjects. Health professionals whose area of expertise is Functional Neurorehabilitation participated in the content validation tests. Internal consistency tests were applied in order to validate the tool using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results: taking into account all factors and each of the sman instrument's items, the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was 0.835, demonstrating good internal consistency and longitudinal validity. Conclusions: the factorial structure of the SMAN resulting from this research and the items which comprise it, show satisfactory reliability, demonstrated through the internal consistency test which showed the tool's homogeneity. This demonstrated the degree with which the elements that make up the scale measure the same concept.
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Author Biography

Carlos A. Quiroz M., University Institution National Sports School

Physiotherapist, National Sports School University Institution (IUEND); Neurorehabilitation Specialist (UAM); Magister in Neurorehabilitation (UAM); Dean of the Faculty of Health and Rehabilitation (IUEND); Research professor of the Interdisciplinary Group in Health and Society Studies (GIESS), University Institution National Sports School (IUEND), Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Quiroz M. CA. An Instrument for Assessing the Adherence of Adults to a Functional Long-term Neurorehabilitation Process, Based on the Dimensions Proposed by the World Health Organization. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2014 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];32(1):52-61. Available from:



