The model of strategic analysis in the promotion of health and the local control of tobacco addictiveness


  • Gustavo Cabrera Universidad de Antioquia



Smoking, HELPSAM-WHO model, health promotion


The article present a part of results of doctoral thesis research about the aplication in field of two theorethicals models in health promotion. One of this models, the Health Promotion Strategy Analisys Model HELPSAM-WHO, is a product of technical discussions from the 3rd International Conference on Health Promotion, held in Sundsvall, Sweden June 9-15, 1991. HELPSAM model summarized, as a instrumental matrix, the basics strategies to create supportive environments for health: policy development, regulation, reorient organisations, advocacy, alliances-mediating, enabling and mobilizing empowering. The model was used as a guide to identification in field of several social actors potencially involved in the implementation of the four strategies of a intervention propused to control, at differents levels, of the local smoking in a village of Colombia.
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How to Cite

Cabrera G. The model of strategic analysis in the promotion of health and the local control of tobacco addictiveness. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2012 Nov. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];17(1). Available from:


