Psychosocial and economic labor conditions of the general physicians in Medellín, March, 1998


  • Elsa María Villegas Universidad de Antioquia
  • Martha Lucía Escobar Universidad de Antioquia
  • Paulo Andrés Cano Universidad de Antioquia
  • Wilmar de Jesús Escobar Universidad de Antioquia
  • Edwin Rolando González Universidad de Antioquia



Social security system, psychosocial conditions, economical conditions, lending institutions of health (IPS), enterprises promoting health (EPS), prepaid medicine (MP)


In the present decade the Colombian legislation has suffered transformations that have permitted the change of labor relations materializing the worldwide tendencies of the flexibility of work, and the section of
health in general has not been foreign to these changes. Specifically the Law number 100, of 1993, changed the labor relations of doctors upon separating the rendering of health services from the resources of the administration, however, the present study suggested the question in reference to the economic and
psychosocial conditions of the general practioners in Medellín. A descriptive study was performed of the make up of the population, that showed how the practice of general medicine in Medellín is consolidated as a practice of a fix salaries or wages, and it is performed less than a liberal practice. According to the results of the study, 60% of the general practioners labored in public institutions, 70% had some link to public institutions and 66% had at least one non-fixed-term contract; no unsatisfaction with their job was found in 53% and 54% said they are always selfdeterminated in taking decisions.
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How to Cite

Villegas EM, Escobar ML, Cano PA, Escobar W de J, Rolando González E. Psychosocial and economic labor conditions of the general physicians in Medellín, March, 1998. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2012 Nov. 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];16(1). Available from:


