Self reported cardiovascular disease and association with biopsychosocial factors, Tolima, Colombia
cardiovascular disease, prevalence, self-reporting, risk factors, non-communicable diseases, NCDsAbstract
Objective: to determine the prevalence of self-reported cardiovascular disease in adults aged 18 to 69 in Tolima and to explore their association with biological, psychological and social factors from the 2007 National Health Survey. Methodology: an observational epidemiological study with a descriptive component and an analytic cross section of association, employing 1219 records of people between the ages of 18 and 69 in the Tolima department, taken from the 2007 National Health Survey. Demographic characteristics were described and the prevalence of biopsychosocial risk factors for cardiovascular disease by self-reporting was determined. The relationships between these factors and severe cardiovascular disease were explored. Results: the most prevalent risk factors in people who developed a cardiovascular event were high blood pressure: 16.8%; alcohol dependence: 14.1%; lack of education: 14%. The prevalence of major cardiovascular events was 5.5%. After adjusting for age and sex variables it was found that risk factors for major cardiovascular disease are: self-reporting of mental health problems, hypertension, alcohol dependence, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Conclusions: in addition to the biological factors that were identified, it was found that self-reporting mental health issues is also a risk factor for self-reported serious cardiovascular disease.
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