The case of survivors of the Villatina slide (in Medellín, 1987): an ethnographic research, 2005


  • Claudia P. Isaza Antioquia Corporation
  • Luz H. Barrera University of Antioquia



public health, mental health, disasters, social processes, Medellín, Villatina


This ethnographic research tries to understand the perception of the individuals who survived after the landslide of Villatina in 1987, the social processes related to it and the outcomes that still remain in the communitarian life of the Villatina and Héctor Abad Gómez suburbs in the city of Medellín. The discussion was focused in the information gathered from 16 semi-structured interviews, the revision of secondary sources and direct observation. Positive and negative outcomes were the result of the disaster, some of which still prevail. Among the negative causes are the lost of family members and friends which is shown in unsolved grief, handling and representation of the cemetery, l ack of clarity due to the versions about the
real causes of the tragedy and disagreement with the nomination of the place as a high risk zone. On the other hand, some other aspects are recognized as a social gain, such as organized social processes, new leaderships, organized meeting places; the family as a social support, contributions to the relocation process and an increasing social sensitivity. Finally, the survivors look forward to deserve worthy treatment from the investigators; in the hope that institutions taking part in the community be correspondent and that the government will clarify the causes of the tragedy.
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Author Biography

Claudia P. Isaza, Antioquia Corporation

Professor National Faculty of Public Health


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How to Cite

Isaza CP, Barrera LH. The case of survivors of the Villatina slide (in Medellín, 1987): an ethnographic research, 2005. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Oct. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];25(1):1-10. Available from:


