Recovering the Roots to Recover Sense: Quality Training and ´Production as Qualitative Inquiry Ethical Responsibility
qualitative research on health, ethical responsibility, social justice, Ibero-America, training in QHR, QHR productionAbstract
This paper was prepared in the context of the VI IberoAmerican Congress of Qualitative Health Research, held in Medellín, Colombia, from October 15 to 17, 2014. The central topic was the ethical and social justice responsibility ingrained in Qualitative Health Research (QHR). One of the main topics in this regard was the achievement of quality in training and in QHR products. My purpose in this paper is to ground and show the ethical responsibility and the concern for social justice that are inherent to Qualitative Critical Health Research. Additionally, I argue that training quality researchers and producing quality pieces of QHR is an ethical responsibility of every researcher. In this paper I also identify some of the conditions under which we perform our research in Ibero-America that should be improved. I also argue about the importance of digging into our human Ibero-American roots in order to find ways to reverse these conditions, focusing in some of the problems of the training of researchers and production of qualitative works capable of transcending within the fields of health and disease, which currently dominated by medical-biological positivist thinking tied to market interests. Lastly, this paper is a result of theoretical, epistemological, methodological, and practical reflection that emerged from my conversations with authors, colleagues and from its confrontation with practice.
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