The Interpretive Commitment: An Unavoidable Aspect in Qualitative Research


  • Carolina Martínez S. Autonomous Metropolitan University



epistemology, qualitative research, criticism, subjectivity, interpretation


This paper reflects on the human act of interpreting and its role in scientific research as an activity that generates theoretically oriented versions. It mentions some of the questioning directed toward the modern Western scientific views as well as the new epistemological perspectives that have been rising from the more critical trends of qualitative research. These acknowledge the transcendence of the researchers' interpretive commitment as they build their versions of the reality that they are studying. Likewise, the paper presents some instances of the problems that arise when conducting research in the field of health sciences. To conclude, some notes on the inescapable commitment of the researcher in his capacity of interpreter, and its multiple consequences on the construction of knowledge.

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Author Biography

Carolina Martínez S., Autonomous Metropolitan University

Doctor of social sciences with a specialty in population studies. Department of Health Care, Autonomous Metropolitan University-Xochimilco; Master in social medicine; medical surgeon.


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How to Cite

Martínez S. C. The Interpretive Commitment: An Unavoidable Aspect in Qualitative Research. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];33(S1):S55-S63. Available from: