Health sector decentralization in Colombia: analysis of 91 cities


  • Gloria Molina University of Antioquia
  • Nilton E. Montoya University of Antioquia
  • Claudia M. Rodriguez University of Antioquia
  • Peter Spurgeon University of Birmingham



Principal component analysis, institutional development, community participation, decentralization, social security reform in healthcare, municipal development


Objective: this study analyses institutional development and community participation in the health sector at municipal level according to socio-economic level of cities. Methods: a survey of the whole municipalities (164) of the departments of Antioquia, Caldas and Risaralda was conducted, from which 91 (56%) answered the questionnaire. A descriptive analysis was carried out as the first step and then principal component analysis and correlation analysis were done. Results: it was found that institutional development and community participation level of the cities are not consistent with their socio-economic level. Cities do not have an integrated development of institutional capacity components. Some small and poor cities have similar or even better development than that of bigger and richer cities
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Author Biographies

Gloria Molina, University of Antioquia

Professor National Faculty of Public Health

Claudia M. Rodriguez, University of Antioquia

Health Information Systems Manager

Peter Spurgeon, University of Birmingham

ProfessorHealth Services Management Center


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How to Cite

Molina G, Montoya NE, Rodriguez CM, Spurgeon P. Health sector decentralization in Colombia: analysis of 91 cities. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Nov. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];24(1):1-13. Available from:




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