Characterization of Hospital Discharges with Malignant Tumors Based on Information from Diagnosis Related Groups
neoplasms, hospital mortality, length of stay, patient dischargeAbstract
Objective: to describe the characteristics of hospital discharges with a diagnosis of cancer during 2014 based on DRG information. Methodology: an analytical study with a descriptive and inferential analysis using secondary information. The statistical description was carried out based on the variables’ nature and level of measurement. Moreover, a bivariate analysis was performed to estimate the differences in the means using Student’s t-test (t) and a parametric ANOVA (Snedecor’s F). Results: a total of 3.030 hospital discharges were attended. The relative mean weight was 1.62, the mean inlier stay was 10.69 days and the mean adjusted length of stay was 0.97 days. Additionally, 56.01% of hospital discharges showed a higher level of severity, with a relative mean weight of 2.09, and a mean length of stay of 13.53 days. Of the patients who were more likely to die, 32.64% were discharged alive and 19.62% died. Furthermore, statistically significant differences were found between mean stay and patient status upon discharge, severity level and mortality level. Conclusions: the results of this study indicate that the institution is managing hospital stay effectively. Evidence of this lies in the possibility of providing care to 76 additional patients as a result of saving on stay days. Another proof of this effectiveness can be observed in the functional indicators, which were in line with patient complexity.
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