Evaluation of the Intervention Malnutrition Due to Excess Weight in Early Childhood Based on The Theory of Change Model, Medellín, Colombia, 2017
malnutrition, child health, community participation, Colombia, evaluation of health projects and programsAbstract
Objective: To evaluate a population-based intervention called “Malnutrition due to excess weight in early childhood”, implemented with resources from the Participatory Health Budget program in Medellín, Colombia, in 2017. Method: An evaluative research perspective, based on in the theory of change model, used in the field of evaluating health programs and projects. A case study of mixed convergent method and status equality was developed. The evaluation took place in two phases: 1) the planning of the evaluation, and 2) the evaluation of the processes during its implementation and the effects at the end of the intervention. Results: no significant effects were observed for the anthropometric indicators of boys and girls. In weight-for-height, the median at the start of treatment was 2.52, and at the end of it, 2.49 (p (0.174)> 0.05). For the body mass index, the median at the start of treatment was 2.4, and at the end of it, 2.3 (p (0.236)> 0.05). However, individually there were variations in the standard deviations of the anthropometric Z values of boys and girls. Unanticipated changes were also found in the theory of change model, which refers to anthropometric variations in the caregivers of boys and girls. Conclusion: The short-term individual effects that occurred in the intervention favored anthropometric variations and the improvement of the nutritional status of boys, girls and caregivers, which will achieve the global change defined for the intervention in the theory of change model.
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