Spatial distribution of morbidity and mortality attributable to pm2.5 air pollution in Medellín (Colombia), 2010-2016
Geographic Information Systems, spatial analysis, morbidity, mortality, air pollutionAbstract
Objective: This research aimed to establish the spatial distribution of morbidity and mortality attributable to particulate matter (pm2.5) air pollution in Medellín between 2010 and 2016.
Methodology: An ecological study was proposed. Addresses of patients treated and deceased due to events of interest were standardized. Heat maps were used, through Kernel density analysis per residential units for areas of 10,000 m2.
Results: 45,487 cases and 2,743 deaths attributable to pm2.5 air pollution with geographic location data were found. The southwestern area of the city presented the highest event densities attributable to all causes studied and by group of events, with some small areas in other places. On the other hand, the southeastern area, with the best socio-economic conditions, showed the lowest concentration of attributable events.
Conclusion: Geocoded information of morbidity and mortality by residential units made it possible to establish the distribution of cases and deaths attributable to pm2.5 air pollution in Medellín, with a greater concentration in the southwestern part of the city, which makes the presence of territorial disparities in this phenomenon observable.
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