Meaning of feedback in virtual education in higher education in health. An analysis from grounded theory
Medical education, Internet, Formative Feedback, Systems Theory, Qualitative ResearchAbstract
Objective: To understand the meaning of feedback in virtual education in professors of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antioquia, a public university in Medellín, Colombia, in the period 2016-2017.
Methodology: Qualitative research with a method of grounded theory. We applied semi-structured interviews to school of medicine’s professors that teach using virtual education in 2016. We selected Faculties by a convenience sampling process. Researchers made audio recording and transcription of the interviews and then open, axial and selective categorization in three moments —descriptive, analytic and interpretive— was done.
Results: A total of 1440 codes were identified and subsequently assigned to 44 categories that allowed describe four explanatory phenomena organized from a micro to a macrosystem including influence of the senses, the pedagogical model, teacher-student relation, and current society for understand the meaning of feedback.
Conclusions: Feedback in medical virtual education is a complex system of non-trivial machines (teacher-student). It is influenced by negative cultural factors. Its aims are the learning, to unmask emotions and to recognize the other.
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