Ergonomic methodology for agricultural technological development of a hand tool: hoe case study
Ergonomics, Farmers, Equipment Design, Job Satisfaction, Subject HeadingsAbstract
Objective: To show the co-design methodology used for the development of a hand tool for the field, where the central axis is the understanding and inclusion of the needs and desires of the users, in order to promote technology transfer from the conception of the product.
Methodology: The applied co-design process consists of eight practical stages of creation, with synchronous and asynchronous joint work, in face-to-face scenarios and virtual platforms. 143 farmers participated during the development of the tool.
Results: In addition to the co-design methodology for the development of the farmers' hand tool, it shows the proposed study of the dual-purpose hoe, where the project found that this new proposal had a better ergonomic quality, by reducing the risk associated with postural load and a better perception of comfort.
Conclusion: The main finding is the involvement of users from the early stages of a technological development process; this allows a correct understanding of their needs and desires in relation to the performance of their work activity. The study also shows that it is possible to mitigate risk factors and in doing so, to conceive a much more comfortable tool with better ergonomic quality characteristics.
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